The mission of OtarBioPharm LLP

is the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry; training and advanced training of personnel in the production of immunobiological drugs; the impact (downwards) of the company’s activities on the dependence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the import of strategic medical and veterinary drugs intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by pathogens, as well as the exclusion of risks associated with overestimation of the cost of drugs during the period of emergency situations; increasing the level of biological protection of the country.

The purpose of OtarBioPharm LLP

˗ the entire production cycle (including contract manufacturing) and the expansion of the range (depending on the need) of immunobiological preparations that meet the international requirements of good manufacturing practice GMP; bulk production, as well as the wholesale sale of pharmaceutical and medical products; providing medical institutions with high-quality immunobiological preparations of domestic production; raising the level of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan; reducing the dependence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on imports