Development strategy

Production activities

Planned activities and development of the plant

  1. According to the concluded cooperation agreement between Boehringer Ingelheim (France) and JSC National Holding QazBioPharm, in 2024 it is planned to organize the production and release of validation series, and in 2025 the start of industrial production of 2 types of vaccine against foot–and-mouth disease of cattle/ыьфдд pigs. The production will be carried out at the site of OtarBioPharm LLP.
  2. Registration of test systems has been completed with the planned start of production in 2024. Test systems are designed to determine: antibodies to the foot-and-mouth disease virus of three serotypes (A, O, Asia-1), antibodies to cattle/MR chlamydia.
  3. Negotiations are underway with Orion (Finland) to organize the production of Levosimendan, a heart failure drug, at the OtarBioPharm site, and production is scheduled to begin in 2025.

OtarBioPharm LLP independently monitors the progress of construction of the second production building – a workshop for the production of substances based on a biopharmaceutical plant for the production of immunobiological drugs (BSL-3). Construction reports with comments are sent weekly to JSC NH QazBioPharm. The planned deadlines for the completion of construction and installation of equipment are April of this year, the completion of validation of technological and laboratory equipment is August 2024. After the facility is put into operation, the factory complex will be able to perform a full cycle of industrial production of immunobiological drugs.

Scientific activity.

OtarBioPharm LLP has been carrying out scientific and scientific-technical activities on the basis of an accreditation certificate for scientific and scientific-technical activities since 2022.

In the period 2022-2023, OtarBioPharm LLP conducted scientific work on initiative projects “Scaling and optimizing the production of sheep pox vaccine from the NISHI strain, “Scaling and optimizing the production of avian influenza virus vaccine”, “Development of technology for manufacturing a probiotic drug based on Lactobacillus Acidophilus lactobacilli”. Based on the results of the completed scientific projects, 3 scientific articles were published and 1 utility model patent was obtained.

Since September 2023, OtarBioPharm LLP has been a participant in a single scientific and technical project implemented by the National Holding QazBioPharm under an agreement with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the field of biological safety.