Today, the Partnership has once again received confirmation of the compliance of the conditions created at the biopharmaceutical plant with the requirements of the standard of Good Manufacturing practices (GMP) – the Committee for Medical and Pharmaceutical Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a Certificate of compliance of the production of medicines with the requirements of the rules of Good Manufacturing Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union No.GMP/EAEU/KZ/129-08-2024.


On July 29, 2024, the OtarBioPharm biopharmaceutical plant was visited by Sultangaziyev T.S. – First Vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ahmed-Zaki D.Zh. – Vice-Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kalenderov N.S. – First Deputy Akim of Zhambyl region, Sadvakasov N.O. – Chairman of the Committee of Sanitary andepidemiological control of the Ministry of Health, Kinayatov A.K. – Director of the Department of Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Ministry of Health, Orumbayev E.K. – Head of the Construction Department of the Akimat of Zhambyl region, Ospanova Zh.M. – Head of the Health Department of the Akimat of Zhambyl region, Kurmanaly H. – Assistant to the first deputy akim of Zhambyl region, Mukhamedieva D.M. – Chief expert of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Abduraimov Ye.O. – General Director of JSC “National Holding “QazBioPharm”, Rsaliyev A.S. – Deputy General Director of JSC “National Holding “QazBioPharm”, Bekshin Zh.M. – General Director of LLP “Republican collection of microorganisms”, Ogai V.B. – General Director of the National Center of Biotechnology LLP (NCB), Skiba Yu.A. – Head of the Almaty branch of the NCB, Ostapchuk Ye.O. – Head of the Laboratory of Immunology and Immunobiotechnology, Sadanov A.K. – General Director of the Scientific and Production Center of Microbiology and Virology LLP (SPCMV), Baimakhanova B.B. – Deputy General Director of SPCMV, Tolokonnikov Ye.G. – Director of the Karaganda Pharmaceutical Plant, Sharipov K.O. – General Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry named after M.A. Aitkhozhin, G.S. Zhunusova – Director of the Institute of Genetics and Physiology, Zhenis Zh. – Director of the Research Center of Medicinal Plants of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The General Director of OtarBioPharm LLP, Z. Yershebulov, presented to the visitors the second production complex – a workshop for the production of active substances, then a production line and laboratories of a biopharmaceutical plant for the production of immunobiological drugs.

Further, after getting acquainted with the activities of the biopharmaceutical plant,
issues of the development of biopharmaceutical science and industry were discussed.




On April 09-10, 2024, Director for General Affairs A. Satybaldiyev, Head of the Production Unit D. Kaysenov, Leading Equipment Engineer D. Shulenbayev and press secretary A. Kaltayev took part in the 2nd International Congress and Exhibition «Pharma Kazakhstan and Central Asia» in Almaty, organized by Vostoc Capital, which brought together more than 200 representatives of companies.

The Congress and Exhibition «Pharma Kazakhstan» is a unique professional international platform for the leaders of the pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other countries with the participation of investment project managers, major enterprises, authorities, regulatory and supervisory authorities, licensors of production technologies, developers, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, engineering and design and construction companies, suppliers of technologies and services.  The event is dedicated to the discussion of the largest investment projects for the construction and modernization of production facilities, as well as opportunities to improve the efficiency of existing pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises.

Reports at the Congress were made by leading Kazakhstani and foreign companies in the field of pharmaceutical production, as well as representatives of bodies and organizations that control this industry and regulate their activities. In turn, Bekjigit Abit, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Marketing and Promotion of the QazBioPharm National Holding, presented a report on the group of companies that are part of the Holding, emphasizing the capabilities of the Partnership, and also spoke about the readiness of the Holding’s enterprises for any type of collaboration in the field.

Eleonora Nasanova, Head of Regional Sales for Central Asia at Sartorius, the main supplier of the plant’s production equipment, expressed pride in the existence of a full-cycle immunobiological production in the country and even in Central Asia in accordance with the GMP standard.

In general, participation in the congress was useful, because during the congress negotiations were initiated, during which many pharmaceutical equipment manufacturers and providers expressed a desire to cooperate with the Partnership.


If the main stream of workers employed at the first production complex of the plant, built on direct instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev, are experienced scientists, specialists from a research institute who can conduct their own work, then, to the 2nd complex of the biopharmaceutical plant it is planned to attract young specialists who have just graduated.

To this end, on April 04 this year, at the invitation of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, Deputy Director General for General Affairs Anuar Satybaldiyev, press Secretary Azamat Kaltaev took part in the “Job Fair-2024” organized by KazNMU in Almaty. The fair was opened by the dean of the University’s Pharmaceutical school, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Zuriyadda Sakipova.

More than 20 organizations took part in the fair, half of which were representatives of the pharmacy business. It is no exaggeration that of the manufacturing organizations where students would like to work in the future, our biopharmaceutical plant, OtarBioPharm LLP, was of the greatest interest.

The location of the biopharmaceutical plant in a rural area stopped only a few students, and many of them expressed the opinion that they did not consider this an obstacle.


On March 29, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Duisenova arrived on a working visit to the village of Gvardeysky in the Kordai district. The working visit, together with the Deputy Prime Minister, was also attended by Adviser to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Science and Innovation Kunsulu Zakarya, Head of the Department of Topical Security Issues of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan R. Orazgulov, Deputy Head of the Department of Law Enforcement System of the AP of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Biekenov, Vice Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh. Burkitbayev, Vice-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Berdalin, Head of the Department of Control of Security Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Moldakhanov, First Deputy Akim of Zhambyl region N. Kalenderov, General Director of JSC “NH “QazBioPharm” Ye. Abdurayimov, Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Assylova and others.

During the visit, the delegation got acquainted with the biopharmaceutical plant of OtarBioPharm LLP, its workshop for the production of biological substances under construction. The visit took place on the day of bottling of the avian influenza vaccine and the delegation was able to see the production process.

At the end of the visit, Tamara Duisenova held a meeting and gave appropriate instructions to representatives of the bodies and organizations that took part in the working visit.


On February 23, 2024, the biopharmaceutical plant of OtarBioPharm LLP was visited by students and teachers of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov under the guidance of associate professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences Suleimenov Marat Kamytbekovich. The purpose of the visit is a personal acquaintance with the domestic pharmaceutical industry.


According to the program of the visit, accompanied by A.K. Satybaldiyev, Deputy General Director of OtarBioPharm LLP, the visitors got acquainted with the entire production line, quality control laboratories and mandatory auxiliary systems and equipment, such as water treatment system, inspection equipment, labeling equipment, dispatch system, etc.

As befits young people, students were interested in everything – “What is the vaccine made of?”, “Did the President really visit the plant?”, “What is GMP?”, “What is quality control?” etc.

In addition, the students got acquainted with the workers who produced the QazVac vaccine, a domestic vaccine against Covid-19 coronavirus infection.

In conclusion we can say that what students saw exceeded their expectations about the domestic plant for the production of immunobiological drugs.


On February 13, 2024, the representatives of the international pharmaceutical company «The Say Pharma», accompanied by the head of the International Cooperation Department of JSC «National Holding «QazBioPharm» Abit Bekjigit Begmatullauli visited the Biopharmaplant.

General Director Zakir Yershebulov held a presentation of the plant.

Next, the guests examined the water treatment unit and the production line

After an introductory review, representatives of «National Holding «QazBioPharm», «OtarBioPharm» and The Say Pharma» held talks on the possibility of cooperation.

Director of «The SaaPharma» LLP, representative office of «The Say Pharma» company in the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazgul Orazkhanova listed the portfolio of biologics, equipment, etc. supplied by her company. According to representatives of The Say Pharma, the visit was of an introductory nature and, at the discretion of the company, a visit of representatives in senior positions should take place.

At the end of the negotiations, the parties were hopeful of further cooperation.


August 15th, 2023 on the presentation of JSC “National Holding “QazBioPharm” and accompanied by the head of the Marketing, Promotion and Export of products of the Holding Abdrakhmanov A.K., representatives of “Algimed Techno” LLP – Tremzina V.E., Paznyak A. and Zhakupova M.M visited the biopharm plant.

The purpose of the visit – to familiarize with the possibilities of the biofarm plant and discussion of cooperation issues.

Director General of the plant Yershebulov Z.D. acquainted the representatives of Algimed Techno LLP with the production unit, technological lines and quality control laboratories, and also told the history of formation, development and achievements of the plant.

According to the results of the visit, cooperation in the production of diagnostic test systems was planned.

Kazakhstan vaccine against coronavirus QazCovid-In

On behalf of the Head of State, domestic scientists have developed a Kazakh vaccine against the coronavirus QazCovid-In, produced under the brand QazVac, which has shown high results and effectiveness in the fight against CVI.

The Head of State spoke about the effectiveness of the domestic vaccine against CVI in his Message to the people of Kazakhstan.

“The pandemic is still not receding all over the world. Every day thousands of our citizens get sick, many pass away. We immediately took measures to combat the pandemic, wasting no time. Kazakhstan is one of the few countries in the world that has developed a vaccine against coronavirus. There is no doubt that our vaccine is effective and safe. Now other countries are showing interest in QazVac,” the President of Kazakhstan said.

It is worth noting that vaccination is recognized worldwide as the only effective means of combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Only thanks to the vaccine, it is possible to form a collective immunity and return to the old doc-like rhythm of life. Scientists and doctors note that vaccinated people become infected with coronavirus much less often, and even in this case, the disease will proceed without severe complications and deaths. Given that the virus is constantly mutating, the sooner citizens are immunized, the more lives will be saved and the spread of the dangerous disease will be stopped.

The Head of State visited the biopharmaceutical plant of immunobiological preparations Otarbiopharm

The working trip of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to Zhambyl region began with familiarization with the activities of the biopharmaceutical plant for the production of QazVac vaccines at the Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems, located in the village of Gvardeysky, Kordai district.

The President was shown a vaccine production line, laboratory equipment and mobile reactors.Director General of the Institute Kunsulu Zakaria reported on plans for further development of the Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems.

The plant will produce immunobiological medicines according to the international standard of good manufacturing practice (GMP), including a vaccine against coronavirus infection, vaccines against influenza, tuberculosis, brucellosis, nodular dermatitis and other infectious diseases.It is planned to produce from 30 to 60 million doses of biopharmaceuticals annually. The total cost of the project is 15.6 billion tenge.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was told that industrial bottling in the amount of 100 thousand doses was launched on September 16.Among the CIS countries, only Kazakhstan and Russia have established the production of vaccines against Covid-19.In an interview with the plant’s employees, the President of Kazakhstan, noting the importance of the project, expressed confidence that the domestic vaccine will make a significant contribution to the fight against coronavirus and strengthening public health.